Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Black and single: Is marriage really for white people?

I stumbled upon this food for thought over at CNN so it would do you some good to click the title link and mosey over to the website to view this article written by Dionne Hill an CNN producer for yourself.

CNN Heroes

Tomorrow night, Anderson Cooper will be hosting CNN's Heroes Special. The soulful voices of Christina Aguilera, Alicia Keys and John Legend are lending their talent to to pay tribute to the top 10 CNN heroes of 2008. If you should click the title of this post, it will take you over to CNN Heroes website. Place your vote!

Spice Rack humor

Let it be known that I am a huge 'The Colbert Report' fan. I will admit that I've never been one to tune in to the news let alone politics but due to The Change, CNN rarely ever leaves my television. But being that I have a white college boy sense of humor, 'The Daily Show' and 'The Colbert Report' gives me the news but with a comedic twist. Being that I am openly staning for Stephen, I was feening to watch his Christmas special however, John Legend stole the program...

Friday, November 14, 2008

Jeff Johnson speaking the truth

Connecticut Court ruled in favor for gay marriage

Click the above title to get the entire article. Congrats to Michael and Ross (in the above picture). Connecticut joins Massachusettes as the only two states that have made gay marriage legal.

Obama is such a Nerd

And I love it! I'm considering making this blog all things Barack! Last night I watched The Colbert Report (whom I've recently grown to love) and he spoke of this list made up of things that we didn't know about the President-elect. HE collects comic books, plays Scabble, enjoys The Fugees and click the title to view the rest of the list. Barack is my type of guy. And excuse the age slip up, I can't help it at times.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Mccain's Masterplan failed

Click the title for this post and mosey over to Art Maggot's blog and check out more amazing pictures like the above ones. By the way, if you don't know what movie the above pictures are from, please exit my blog! Have you been living under a rock?

An Open Letter to President Obama

Alice Walker published an open letter to President Barack Obama today that is very moving. If you just click the title for this post, it'll take you over to The Root, enjoy.

The American Dream redeemed

As I sit here in front of this PC I truly have no idea what to type. The moment it was announced that Obama won Florida I knew he was going to win, then he flip Ohio and turned it blue then 5 seconds later "Obama president-elect" flashed across the screen. I doubled back to see if I had read correct and I jumped and screamed God knows what. When Barack won the nomination back in August, I made it clear to friends, family and co-workers to not be an ignorant voter, know the platforms before you pick a side. I refused to be like many other Blacks in this nation and vote for Barack simply because he is written off as "a black man" so I keep quite when it came to political talk among a group. But last night, watching that crowd of Americans, not a certain race, I couldn't help but think about Dr.King and The Promise Land, that crowd was The Promise Land.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

We first time or younger voters

As I've said before, I am a first time voter and it's nice to see that I'm not the only young person going voting crazy. I've harassed my co-workers and even strangers.I just felt like sharing this video. Since it is Election day, I can go over do it a tab bit.

The Last Rally

This video also supplies the video about Obama's late grandmother.

Fresh's thoughts on adults and Halloween

At my first attempt at blogging, I tried my hardest to make a Crunk + Disorderly but not everyone is able. If you click the above title, it take you into the Matrix and over to Fresh's post. Check it out.

Come together

A few months back, my younger cousin put me on "Across the Universe" and there is a scene along with song that makes me think about Obama. Tell me what you think...

Teen pregnancy and TV

If you click the title, it will take you over to CNN whom has reported a study which links teen pregnancy to sexual content on the Idiot Box. I'm sure by now, your under the impression that this is an Election or political blog, which it isn't. This blog, like others, is just my personal thoughts.

Obama and his Quiet Hero

I'm sure that everyone has heard the news that Barack Obama's grandmother passed during her sleep yesterday morning. There really is no need for me to make any comments on the following video other than God bless Obama as well as his family in this time of need.

History Party

As we all know, today is Election day! Like Obama said yesterday in Florida (or 'Ohio' like he mistakenly referred to the state in which he was in), these last twenty-one months have been trying and I happy Obama, his family and his supporters have made it to this day. Which ever way the American people chose to run this nation, this is historical. Be that as if may, I hope we voted for the change. So, what are your plans for tonight? I have tonight off which means that my Idiot box won't leave MSNBC until I hear the results.