Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The American Dream redeemed

As I sit here in front of this PC I truly have no idea what to type. The moment it was announced that Obama won Florida I knew he was going to win, then he flip Ohio and turned it blue then 5 seconds later "Obama president-elect" flashed across the screen. I doubled back to see if I had read correct and I jumped and screamed God knows what. When Barack won the nomination back in August, I made it clear to friends, family and co-workers to not be an ignorant voter, know the platforms before you pick a side. I refused to be like many other Blacks in this nation and vote for Barack simply because he is written off as "a black man" so I keep quite when it came to political talk among a group. But last night, watching that crowd of Americans, not a certain race, I couldn't help but think about Dr.King and The Promise Land, that crowd was The Promise Land.

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