Thursday, October 30, 2008

The Color of America

Like millions other, I'm keeping up with the election and I must say that I'm highly pissed. I have to ask the obvious and rhetorical question, "does the shade of Obama skin really honestly and truly matter when it comes to the task of running America?". Lets pretend that the entire nation thought like my fellow open minded Americans and look at his platform, it's prefect: focus on the Land of the Free and Home of the Brave, because it isn't looking too grand at the moment. Don't believe me? Retire elderly people are returning to the work place, health care for the unable is a joke, this recession is becoming very reminiscent of The Great Depression which started on Wall street and made it's way to Main Street. Let me change gears for a few lines or so, why on this God given Earth are people referring to Obama as a "terrorist"? Uneducated people have no idea about Islam so it would be my pleasure to fill them in right quick: "Allah" is Arabic for "God", is the second largest religion but continues to grow, majority of blacks are Muslim and the major difference between Christianity and Islam is the belief that Muhammad was the last prophet and that Jesus was not the Lord's son. Got it? Most of these ignorant Neo Nazis who talk down about Obama and plan (but failed and will continue to) need his ass the most, kind of funny isn't it? Riddle me this Batman, what more can Obama do to this already lagging nation? Those questionable people who put Bush's simple ass in office need to stop bashing Obama because believe it or not, he's for you even though your against him. And to those McCain supporters, this nation built its damn self, now we're relaying on China. What kind of shit is this? Give Obama a chance to get some of America's respect and pride back. Just a thought though. I wear my Obama pins proudly, made my voice heard and voted so I suggest you do the same and vote for the change. Obama '08

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