Thursday, October 30, 2008

The other P.O.W in this race

A few days back, I gazed with hopeful eyes at Bill Clinton at an Obama rally. Clinton stated that he appreciated John McCain for his services to this great country. For some reason, that line made an impression in my memory. Last night, I tuned in to Jon Sweart's "program" as Obama referred to the show (your age is showing Barack) and he like Clinton praised McCain for his service to America. Huh. Those two incidents have been on constant replay in my mind and I've had to put them to good use. We all know that McCain was an P.O.W but wasn't Obama one as well? Matter of fact, isn't he still one? It's rather easy to see what war he's fighting in, the always populer race war. For a second, I thought it was 2008 and not 1958 but I was brought back to my senses when I viewed the reports of a young white lady claimed that a black man craved a "B" for Barack in her cheek, a band of Neo Nazis goons failed plan to assissnate Obama as well as innocent black stundents on a Tennesse college or the picture sent to my phone of a white man with "nigger please, it's the white house" written on the back of his shirt. After years apon years post Civil Rights Movement, our nation is still divided. This war is still waging but it's battles aren't as public as they once were. People are very two-faced this days. Instead of openly saying "nigger", many white people put on this show of being open minded and color blind but behind closed doors, "Niggers" are to blame. Now what we are to be blame for excatly, I have no clue? My people, we are no better. As you can tell, I digress.

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