Friday, December 19, 2008

'The Dark Knight' still breaking records

Like every other man child, freak and geek, I bum rushed the movie theater to bask in the glory that is 'The Dark Knight'. Now I will admit that I had no intention of seeing this movie but after being pestered then being called a partypooper by my slightly younger and more aggressive cousin (him and his mother are Batman stans as well as die hard 'X-Men' fans as well which I am, the X-men part then only the movies at that) bullied me into spending my Dollar Menu money for the week on a movie ticket. Being the Negros that we are, we bounced into the theater 10 minutes after showtime which meant there were little to no seats in a sea of faces lacking in color (white people). Sidebar for a minute, we seem to live by CP time because the rare times that we do attend movies, we're late and this applies to church as well. But back to the topic at hand, I had every little faith in this movie. I figure that people where simply seeing the movie because Heath had passed. I ate those words and then some. I'm a bit of a rebel because sometimes I root for the villain and there hasn't been a 'bad guy' that cool since Scarface or dude from 'The Breakfast Club'. The Joker was a mastermind with an demonic vile yet genius plan.Watch the following clips to peep The Joker's psychotic swag...

After seeing those, I had to think, Heath had to be in some serious pain and sorrow because The Joker was dark and demented and Heath played him very well which is scary. Thoughts? Click the link above to read how The Joker is still making moves to being a 'bad guy' legend.

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